Monday, February 21, 2011

Heads and ........

So onto the tail block. Never wanting do do anything simple the first time, I used concepts from Alex Willis' "Step By Step Guitar Making" to fabricate a 3 piece tail block. The idea is not to have any gluing surface be end grain, as its a sponge for the glue and makes a weak joint. So I took more of the mahogany and created the "H" with the grain running vertically up the vertical leg and the two "T"s with the grain running along the thickest dimension.

The mortises on the "H"s were cut on the band saw and then chiseled out to fit. The tenons on the "T"s were done on the band saw and some cleanup with chisels. The pieces are glued together

and when dry, I trimmed to size on the band saw and then switched from the 3/4" blade to the 1/4" blade to cut out the "waste" and the "ogee" reduce the weight, finishing with a 1" diameter Forstner bit to create a flat for the eventual installation of a pickup.

So what next? Build a kerf-lining jig? Buy the wood to build the thing? Get distracted by another side project? Who knows?

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