Sunday, November 14, 2010

Long time no blog.

I've been in the meta-woodworking phase for a while now.

I designed and have mostly constructed a dust collector from a used furnace motor, rescue plywood, some steel for reinforcing the hangers and sweat equity. I started to do the dadoes for the channels to take the filter elements and realized I've been pretty sloppy on my table saw dadoeing.

So... First build a high detachable fence to ride on the ripping fence. Then an adjustable feather board tied to an Incra miter slide and finally a feather board for the top.

The long dadoes were spot on!!!! I'll include some pictures at some point. I'm also getting tired of my very useful but clumsy shop vac/Dust Deputy Cyclone siamese twin combination. It tips over and gets caught on everthing, so the next not-planned-for project for is a dolly for that. At least I've got all the parts.

Meanwhile, I unloaded an amplifier I never use and used to proceeds to buy a Steward MacDonald fret saw and miter box and a Safe-T-Planer to use with the drill press (Du-oh, need to build an auxialliary table/fence for that too!!!)